Saturday, October 31, 2009

Found A Penny

Despite all my good intentions — and the advice in my money book, Dancing Under the Full Moon — I hadn't yet started my own penny jar to attract more money into my life. But then there it was on my walk yesterday, a single penny lying on the sidewalk right in front of me. I almost stepped right over it. But midair, I stopped, backed up and realized I couldn't just pass it by. The universe was beckoning. And the penny was lying heads-up, a sure sign of good luck. So now it sits on my desk until I find just the right bowl and then it will go by my front door, the first penny of many to help invite riches into my house. By the way, if you do find a penny and it's tails up, don't keep it. Pick it up, if you want, but spend it or give it away. Don't add it to your money bowl. It will have a negative impact.

Oh, and don't forget, another full moon is on the way. The months pass quickly, don't they. I particularly love those Harvest moons, and you'll find me dancing under it asking the kind universe to fill up my wallet. What about you?

Post here or e-mail me and let me know what you're doing to attract money into your life.

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