Sunday, January 17, 2010

Live Generously

The tragedy in Haiti can't help but make each of us — no matter what our circumstances — feel blessed and rich. I can't even imagine having so little and having it ripped away by an unrelenting force of nature, time and time again, from floods to earthquakes. No water. No food. Mud cakes for sustenance. And yet, amidst it all, we see glimmers of hope. We see thankfulness for simply being alive. We see a generosity of spirit among the survivors and, remarkably, among the missionaries who have been flown out and are eager to return.

What about the rest of us? Even those of us struggling with money worries are living abundantly by comparison. If we look deep, there's money and time to spare, to help someone else. If not the people of Haiti, then the homeless person right around the corner, or the single parent unable to pay next month's rent. And, if we can't find "spare" resources, then let's give from our core. Let's make a sacrifice and make a difference.

According to the laws of attraction (and #57 in my book, Dancing Under the Full Moon), money is a form of energy and it must flow through our lives, not just into it. When we give to others, we're actually making room for more abundance in our own lives.

Sending each of you hope for an abundant and joyful day - ps

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