Monday, January 25, 2010

Rainy Day Money Spell

If it's raining where you are — it's a monsoon here in Connecticut! — now's the time to brave the downpour and attract money into your life. If you already have my book, you know it's #37 in Dancing Under the Full Moon.

Grab your slicker, hat and boots and find a holly bush. Clasp your hands around the main stem and chant three times: "Holly tree, O holly tree, let much wealth come to me."

This ancient spell is considered foolproof in its ability to reverse money problems. You can expect to see a positive change in your finances within three months.

That's worth getting wet for, don't you think?!?!?  Let me know how it works. -- ps

1 comment:

  1. very nice tips on money spell and am interested in this spell but i want to ask you if there is another way to do it as someone maybe staying where there is no trees. I would like you to visit on black magic love spell as it does wonders too
